My 9 year old oldenburg gelding has never been 100% sound on his left hind. He seems to drag the toe slightly.. I did a very expensive workup on him including xrays of his hocks and blocks of the entire leg. The only time he went 100% sound was when both the hock and stifle were blocked together, but not one or the other alone. THe xrays showed very mild changes. The vet recommended a very pricey bone scan, as they were at a loss. He doesn have a very small scar on that stifle. What dose do you think I start him on of the ocd? How long at the dose? Thanks!
Also, I did ocd surgery (well not me 😉 7 1/2 years ago on my now 9 year old Thoroughbred gelding, he had an ocd the size of a half dollar in his left stifle, he has never taken a lame step since.. but do you think that I should put him on the pellets as a caution? Thanks again!
The reason you probably did not see anything on radiographs is because you may have bone bruising which does not often show. Bone bruising occurs when the bone matrix is not strong enough to withstand the pressure under which it is being put. OCD Pellets will certainly take care of this by providing the bone with the required nutrients in the formation of a strong bone matrix. With respect to your older horse – bone is continually remodeling and must be addressed nutritionally, particularly post surgical cases which are prone to developing arthritis. OCD Pellets are very effective both in preventing and resolving arthritis.
Thank you for your interest in OCD Pellets. Have a great day.
Dr.D. R. Beebe